Saturday 4 June 2011


Formative Vs Summative Evaluation
            The content to be taught is presented in the form of small points at the time of teaching with an intention to facilitate easy assimilation. At the end of each of such item, learners have to be evaluated with respect to the anticipated objectives.  Evaluation of this type is meant for maximizing the output by giving immediate feedback. This will ensure the diagnosis and remediation, if any. This type of evaluation is developmental or formative in nature and hence is often designated as formative evaluation
            The success of the working of a system is decided by how far the expected outcome could be realized.  IT is this function of evaluating the final outcome that is served by summative evaluation.   As the term indicated summative evaluation is done at the end of something attempted.  It may be conducted at the end of a unit or at the end of a term or at the end of an academic year and so on.

Internal Vs External Evaluation
            Value judgement of the performance of the learners may be done by internal or external agencies. Internal evaluation of pupils’ performance refers to the evaluation made by the individuals or institutions that is responsible for instruction or curriculum transaction. Class test, term end evaluation, etc. are the examples of internal evaluation.  On the other hand external evaluation is the evaluation done by an external agency at the end of a course for the purpose of certification, placement, etc.  S.S.L.C. examination and Higher Secondary examination, etc. are the examples for external evaluation.

Criterion referenced Vs Norm referenced Evaluation
            Sometimes value judgement should be made with predetermined and well defined specific goals or criteria.  The objective of such types of evaluation is to check whether the criteria attained or not. This type of evaluation done on the basis of selected criteria indicating specific changes brought about in the learner that is said to be criterion referenced evaluation. Here the importance is given to mastery learning.
            Whenever the attainment of the individual has to be compared with that of a group or such a comparison is to be made among different sub groups within a given group, we look for expected standards or norms that would help to judge the performance of the individuals or sub groups with that of the target group.  These norms will be widely accepted and well defined in the form of grades or scores.  An evaluation based on these approved norms is said to be norm referenced evaluation. For example, a student may be certified to have passed S.S.L.C. examination with distinction, first class or second class on the basis of norms given as scores percent( 80%, 60%, 50%) or grades (A+, A, B+, etc.)

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